IronGlass Cinemod Soviet lens set of 7
(0 review)

Ukraine Ironglass Rehoused set of Prime soviet Lenses with Amber flare and PL housing
set consists of
16mm zenitar f/2.8 PL lens
20mm Mir 20m f\3.5 PL lens
28mm Mir 10A f\3.5 PL lens
37mm Mir 1V f\2.8 PL lens
58mm Helios 44-2 f\2. PL lens
85mm Jupiter 9 f\2. PL lens
135mm Tair-11A f\2.8 PL lens

826.00 ₪ 826.0 ILS per Day

Not Available For Sale

Rental Period
1 Day
Total 826.00 ₪

This combination does not exist.

Pricing 1 Day 826.00 ₪