Minolta Rokkor 11 Lens set

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Minolta MC Fish-eye 16mm Rokkor-X f/2.8
Minolta MD W.Rokkor 20mm f/2.8
Minolta MD W.Rokkor 24mm f/2.8
Minolta MD W.Rokkor 28mm f/2
Minolta MC W.Rokkor-HH 35mm f/1.8
Minolta MD Rokkor 50mm f/1.2
Minolta MC Rokkor-PG 58mm f/1.2
Minolta MC Rokkor 85mm f/1.7
Minolta MC Rokkor-PF 100mm f/2.5
Minolta MC Rokkor-X 135mm f/2.8
Minolta MC Rokkor-QF 200mm f/3.5

cine modded lenses, with 0.8 gear rings and 80mm diamater front lens rings
Minolta Rokkor 11 Lens set

885.00 ₪ 885.0 ILS per Day

Not Available For Sale

Rental Period
1 Day
Total 885.00 ₪

This combination does not exist.

Pricing 1 Day 885.00 ₪